ICOHTEC prizes

Turriano ICOHTEC Prize

The Turriano ICOHTEC Prize (formerly ICOHTEC Prize for Young Scholars) is sponsored by the Juanelo Turriano Foundation and consists of 2,500 Euro (plus up to 500 Euro as travel grant). ICOHTEC is interested in the history of technology focusing on technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. The history of technology covers all periods of human history and all populated areas... [read more].


Maurice Daumas Prize

The International Committee for the History of Technology welcomes submissions for its new article prize, Maurice Daumas Prize, which aims to encourage innovative and superbly written research in the history of technology... [read more].


Travel Grant

Each year, the ICOHTEC offers a limited number of grants for graduates, post-graduates and young researchers who intend to give their papers at Annual Symposium. For further information, please refer to the conference page.




IUHPST Essay Prize

The International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IUHPST) invites submissions for the first IUHPST Essay Prize in History and Philosophy of Science. This prize competition, planned to continue on a biennial basis, seeks to encourage fresh methodological thinking on the history and philosophy of science as an integrated discipline. Deadline for submissions: 30 Nov. 2016. [read more].





Page updated: 22 October 2016