39th annual meeting (2012)

Barcelona, Spain, 10–14 July 2012

Technology, the Arts and Industrial Culture

Here you can find the shortcuts to the most important options like Call for Papers or online system for submitting paper or session proposals. For information on venue, hotels and social program please refer to the Local Organizing Committee, which can be accessed by clicking this link:  http://icohtec2012.atlantacongress.org/

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:: download the official poster ICOHTEC 2012 (PDF - 160 kB)

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Travel grants to attend ICOHTEC 2012 meeting in Barcelona are available. You can download an announcement [as PDF] and a form [as MS Word]. Applications with appendices should be submitted by 26 March, 2012.

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:: Preliminary program and panel table (PDF - 95 kB)

:: Preliminary Session and Poster list

Modernity on Display: Technology, Science and Ideology at International Expositions circa World War II Session organiser: Professor Robert Kargon, United States
Session chair: Professor Ana Cardoso De Matos, Portugal

Panel 1
National Socialism on Display: Technology, Design, and the Four-Year Plan at Schaffendes Volk
Professor Karen Fiss, United States
“Which New Deal? Utopianism and Pragmatism at the 1939 New York World’s Fair”
Professor Robert Kargon, United States
“Modernity on Display: The 1940 Grand International Exposition of Japan”
Professor Morris Low, Australia
 “The Appian Way to Modernity: Past Meets Future at Mussolini’s World Fair of Rome (E42)”
Dr. Arthur Molella, United States

Depicting engineering: portrayal of the engineer in the modern era
Session organiser: Dr. Daniel Crespo, Spain

Panel 1
Juanelo Turriano, engineer and royal clockmaker. Building a myth
Dr. Jesús Sáenz de Miera, Spain
The visual arts and engineers from Filippo Brunelleschi to Juanelo Turriano: clock making and humanistic culture in the shaping of a noble profession
Ph.D. candidate Cristiano Zanetti, Italy
The literary portrayal of engineering: public works in sixteenth and seventeenth century chorographic literature
Dr. David García, Spain

Panel 2
Civil engineering: image and identity in early nineteenth century Spain
Dr. Daniel Crespo, Spain
Icons of the modern age: nineteenth century engineers and developers
Ph.D. candidate Alfonso Luján, Spain

Architectures and Technologies of Sound
Session organiser: Professor Kristen Haring, United States
Session chair: Professor Hans-Joachim Braun, Germany
Session commentator: Professor Trevor Pinch, United States

Panel 1
Designing the Invisible: The Architecture of Roadside Noise Barriers, 1970-2010
Professor Karin Bijsterveld, Netherlands
Building for Telephones in Postwar America
Professor Kristen Haring, United States
The Technologies of High Culture: Glenn Gould, Architecture and the Philosophy of Recording
Professor Edward Jones-Imhotep, Canada

Sport, Leisure and Play: Science, Technology and Culture
Session organiser: Dr. Stefan Poser, Germany, Professor Hans-Joachim Braun, Germany and Professor James Williams, United States

Panel 1
Sport as the Politics of Speed: Mapping the ‘New Economics’ of Indian Cricket
Graduate student Vidya Subramanian, India
From Pleasure Gardens to Fun Factories: Amusement Parks in the United States
Professor Carroll Pursell, Australia
Soccer as Science? What’s so special about FC Barcelona?
Professor Hans-Joachim Braun, Germany

Panel 2
Dangerous Fun: Technology and the Commodification of Risk in Early 20th Century American Amusement Parks
Professor Arwen Mohun, United States
Utopian play: The “Dandanah” glass building blocks by Bruno Taut
Dr. Artemis Yagou, Germany
The Unfixed. Investigations into the early years of modern technical toys
Lecturer Anika Schleinzer, Germany

Panel 3
From climbing to sport climbing: How technical innovations changed a traditional sport
Dr. Claus Schäfer, Germany
Playing Chess by Cable – Telegraphic Chess Playing: On the Interrelation of Technology and Sport in the long Nineteenth Century
Lecturer Simone Müller-Pohl, Germany
Let us Drive … Mobility Displayed at Annual Fairs and in Amusement Parks 1830s – 1970s
Dr. Stefan Poser, Germany

Panel 4
Building and Sailing Small Boats for Pleasure
Professor James Williams, United States
Technology and Play in Children’s Literature: Non-fiction books for children in the Netherlands, 1945 - 1970
Ph.D. candidate Hilde Harmsen, Netherlands
Huizinga and his children: ‘Homo Ludens’ and modern technology from the 1930s to the 1960s in the Netherlands
Professor Dick van Lente, Netherlands

Panel 5
The Art of Model Railroading: Serious Play at the Consumption-Production Junction
Mr. Jeffrey Larrabee, United States
The ›Great American Revolution‹. Perception and Bioengineering in the Loop
Dr. Sebastian Vehlken, Germany
Ph.D. candidate Jan Mueggenburg, Germany

Before and after Chernobyl: Technological risks as social and ethical problem
Session organiser: Professor Vitaly Gorokhov, Russia
Session chair: Dr. Carsten Orwat, Germany
Session commentator: Professor Gotthard Bechmann, Germany

Panel 1
Technological catastrophe: the life in the modern risk societies
Professor Gotthard Bechmann, Germany
From Chernobyl to Fukushima: technological risks as ethical and social problems
Professor Vitaly Gorokhov, Russia
Mrs. Galina Gorokhova, Russia
Comparative analysis of the social and cultural features of the development of the nuclear technology in Russia and in Germany
Professor Vitaly Gorokhov, Germany
Mrs. Constanze Scherz, Germany
Is Chernobyl accident regularity or chance?
Professor Natalia Baranovska, Ukraine

Panel 2
Prospects and risks of new technologies: the formation of superhard materials synthesis in Ukraine
Dr. Alla Lytvynko, Ukraine
Activities of the Physical Department at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1931 - 1955: historical aspect
Professor Lilia Ponomarenko, Ukraine
History of the Chernobyl disaster as social and political Problem
Graduate student Anastasia Gorokhova, Russia

Panel 3
Systemic Risks in the Electric Power Infrastructure?
Dr. Carsten Orwat, Germany
Are scientists for the safety of the technological systems responsible?
Professor Hans Lenk, Germany
The Big Apple and the Giant Mushroom: Depictions of a Nuclear Attack on New York City, 1945-2012
Dr. Robert Jacobs, Japan

Functionality of Homes and Their Appliances – Challenges for Design, Technology and Production
Session organiser: Professor Timo Myllyntaus, Finland

Panel 1
Session chair: Lecturer Artemis Yagou, Greece
Detached Cottages, Model Houses and Intelligent Homes: Visions of Housing and Experiences of Reality in 20th Century Finland
Professor Timo Myllyntaus, Finland
Finnish Houses for Polish Miners: Importing Ideas on Functional Homes with Prefabricated Buildings in the mid-20th Century
Dr. Slawomir Lotysz, Poland
Professor Timo Myllyntaus, Finland
Varieties of Scarcity: Industrial Designers and the East German Transition Economy
Ph.D. candidate Swen Steinberg, Germany
Ph.D. candidate Sylvia Wölfel, Germany

Panel 2
Session chair: Professor Timo Myllyntaus, Finland
Gendering Electricity: The Docile Servant
Ph.D. candidate Bahar Emgin, Turkey
Domestic Fluorescent: The Technological Illumination of the American Suburbs
Ph.D. candidate Georgina Ruff, United States
Impact of Kitchen and Household Appliances on the Everyday Life of Korean Women: From Kimchi Jars to Kimchi Refrigerators
Professor Jung Sook Bae, France
Functionality of Indian Homes and their Societal Settings: Indicators of the Way of Life
Dr. Naresh Sourabh, Finland

Fuel and energy complex in the arts and social life
Session organiser: Professor Eldar Movsumzade, Russia
Session chair: Professor Eldar Movsumzade, Russia

Panel 1
The Development of Oil Refining in the Paintings
Lecturer Olga Poletaeva, Russia
Professor Eldar Movsumzade, Russia
Development of the technologies and technical means for production, transportation and storage of the liquefied natural gas (LNG)
Ph.D. candidate Rim Teregulov, Russia
Professor Urii Dorojkin, Russia
International experience and prospects of the sea oil and gas production in Russia
Professor Boris Mastobaev, Russia
Professor Ayrat Shammazov, Russia

Panel 2
Development of methods and technical means for inspection of pipeline transportation
Ph.D. candidate Urii Lisin, Russia
Removal of the oil sludge from subsea tanks under the toughening of the ecological requirements
Ms. Anna Lokshina, Russia

Technological Cityscapes: Barcelona around 1900
Session organiser: Dr. Oliver Hochadel, Spain

Panel 1
Walking through the city, looking for spectacle. Lay perceptions of technology at the 1888 Barcelona International Exhibition
Professor Agustí Nieto-Galan, Spain
Animal technologies. Francesc Darder and applied natural history in the Barcelona Zoo around 1900
Dr. Oliver Hochadel, Spain
Improving nature. The pursuit of agricultural technologies in Barcelona in the early twentieth century
Ph.D. candidate Laura Valls, Spain

Panel 2
Technological Fun: Thoughts on Amusement Parks and the Exhibitionary Complex in Barcelona (1888-1929)
Ph.D. candidate Jaume Sastre, Spain
Ph.D. candidate Jaume Valentines, Spain
Do you know how to light this space? Rational lighting in Barcelona, 1929-1936
Ph.D. candidate Jordi Ferran, Spain
Looking for the public: medical clinics in Barcelona around 1900
Dr. Alfons Zarzoso, Spain

Panel 3
The Cerdà Plan for the Extension of Barcelona: A Constructivist Analysis of a Town-planning controversy
Professor Eduard Aibar, Spain
Artistic influences in Barcelona’s Urbanization and Industrial Heritage
Mr. eusebi casanelles, Spain

7th Annual ICOHTEC Symposium on Social History of Military Technology
Session organiser: Dr. Barton Hacker, United States

Panel 1
What Was the Trojan Horse?
Harry Rand (US)
The Trireme–The Ship That Changed the Ancient World?
Jorit Wintjes (Germany)
Keeping the Gun and Nothing Else: Pre-existing “Military” Organization in Kandy and Burma and the Introduction of Firearms.
Michael Charney (UK)

Panel 2
Arms and Armor of Arab Warriors; or, When Artisanship Becomes Art and Technique.
Laila Belhaj (Morocco)
The Livre de cannonerie et artifice de feu published by Vincent Sertenas (1561) and Its Technological Milieu
Bert Hall (Canada)
The Mediterranean Origins of 18th Century Swedish-Finnish Naval Innovations
Mikko Huhtamies (Finland)

Panel 3
How to Choose the Cadets in Military Schools at the Beginning of the 19th Century
Juan Navarro-Loidi (Spain)
A Steel Ring and Its Consequences
Petter Wulff (Sweden)
Victorian Innovation? Yankee Enterprise versus English Conservatism in Military Technology
Steven Collins (US)

Panel 4
Nineteenth-Century British Coastal Defenses: The Fear of Invasion, Naval Challenge, and Palmerston’s Follies
Jesse Heitz (UK)
The Role of the Confederate and Union Telegraph Systems in the Outcome of the American Civil War
John Miller (US)
The Military-Scientific Translator
David Zimmerman (Canada)

Panel 5
Shooting Wells. Geology and Development of Oil Mining Technology
Francesco Gerali (Italy/Mexico)
Alfred Nobel's August 1890 letter to the Russian minister of War
Yoel Bergmann (Israel)
Nobel’s Dynamite Factory in Bratislava
Nina Bartosova (Slovakia)

Panel 6
The career of an Infernal Lady—Big Bertha
Bruno De Corte (Belgium)
Innovative Tactics and Techniques in the Dardanelles Campaign during World War I.
Esat Arslan (Turkey)
Technology and War Propaganda in World War I Italian Advertising
Loredana Vannacci and Ciro Paoletti (Italy/France)

Panel 7
Technology, Sectional Interest and Norwegian Air Power 1920–1940
Frode Lindgjeret (Norway).
“The Spitfire Is ‘Now an Aeroplane’”: RAF Fighter Command, the Constant-Speed Propeller, and User Innovation
Jeremy R. Kinney (US)
Transforming the American Army after the Cold War
Frank Maas (Canada)

Panel 8
The Sinai Field Mission, the Electronic Third Part
Enrico Magnani (Italy/UN)
Aid-for-Labor: Civil Engineering and Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan
Scott Alamanach Mikalauskis (US/Thailand)
Chivalric Culture and Cyborganism: Tribe and Territory in a Holographic Age of Human Security
Michael A. Budd (US)

Print Technology and Early Modern Visual Culture
Session organiser: Ph.D. candidate Joseph Hartman, United States

Panel 1
Breaks in Line: The Development and Dissemination of Intaglio Prints
Graduate student Jun Nakamura, United States
Women, Work, and Worms: The Woodcuts of Dialoghi di M. Magino Gabrielli Hebreo Venetiano sopra l’utili sue inventioni circa la seta
Graduate student Emily Anderson, United States
"Virtues and Defects of the European peoples": Choices, Repetitions, and Deliberate Misinterpretations in the Late Colonial Americas
Ph.D. candidate Joseph Hartman, United States

Architectural Transformations in the Information Age
Session organiser: Dr. Ahenk Yilmaz, Turkey
Session chair: Dr. Ahenk Yilmaz, Turkey

Panel 1
 “The Art and Craft” of the Digital: The First Machine Age, Technology and Digital Architecture
Dr. Ahenk Yilmaz, Turkey
The Metamorphosis of Tectonics: Towards a Digitized Frampton
Graduate student Arzu Beyza Yanar, Turkey
Digital Technologies and Architectural Education: The Concept of Biomimesis in The 4th Year Architectural Design Studio
Graduate student Irem Cabbaroglu, Turkey
The effects of New Technologies on the Intersections of Arts and Architecture
Graduate student Isil Kazaz, Turkey

Technical education in Spain in the eighteenth and nineteenth Century
Session organiser: Dr. Carles Puig-Pla, Spain

Panel 1
Is there a national style in Spanish engineering? The case of ‘industrial engineering’
Lecturer Antoni Roca-Rosell, Spain
An example of multidisciplinary engineering education: the Barcelona Royal Military Academy of Mathematics (1720-1803)
Lecturer Maria Rosa Massa-Esteve, Spain
Mechanics and Experimental Physics in Spanish technical training in the first half of the 19th century: the Barcelona’s case
Lecturer Carles Puig-Pla, Spain

Telecommunications: National Systems and International Organizations
Session organiser: Dr. Simone Fari, Italy and Professor Angel Calvo, Spain
Session chair: Professor Andrea Giuntini, Italy

Panel 1
Last in first out. How the Telegraph brought to international organization before Post and Trains
Dr. Simone Fari, Italy
Dr. Gabriele Balbi, Italy
Professor Giuseppe Richeri, Switzerland
Why did a public telephone system fail in Spain?
Professor Angel Calvo, Spain
On Bell's telephone patents in Europe
Professor Jesús Sánchez Miñana, Spain
Urban telephone networks in the Basque Country: significant differences in the three provinces, 1881-1908
Ph.D. candidate Begoña Villanueva García, Spain

Art, Science & Technology for public understanding and media representation of technology in XIX-XXI centuries
Session organiser: Researcher Roman Artemenko, Russia
Session chair: Professor Mark Clark, United States

Panel 1
Introducing new norms and new technology to the Danish Housewives 1900-1960
Researcher Jytte Thorndahl, Denmark
How is the Public prepared for technical Innovations
Dr. Colin A. Hempstead, United Kingdom
Images of the Engineer in American Popular Culture in the 20th Century
Professor Mark Clark, United States
Non-textbook education: records, cinema, radio, TV and DIY in soviet system of enlightenment (1930-1970)
Researcher Roman Artemenko, Russia

Displaying ideas about technology
Session organiser: Ms. Katariina Mauranen, United Kingdom and Jaume Sastre-Juan

Panel 1
Forest, arts and culture
Mr. Pekka Virtanen, Finland
What are technical museums about? The semiotics of technological display at the New York Museum of Science and Industry (1927-1950)
Ph.D. candidate Jaume Sastre-Juan, Spain
The Quest for the Technical Soul of the Nation: Technological Displays and Catalan Nationalism (1909-1939)
Ph.D. candidate Jaume Valentines-Álvarez, Spain

Panel 2
Displaying Technological Knowledge in a Museum
Mr. Kimmo Antila, Finland
Machines and ideas. Three interpretations of the Portsmouth block making machines and what they say and don’t say about technology.
Ms. Katariina Mauranen, United Kingdom

From Pythagoras to Trains and Telephones (In Spanish)

Panel 1
A review of the literature on the history of the telephone, 1876-2010
Ph.D. candidate Villanueva Garcia Begoña, Spain
Did there exist a Pythagorean at the Fountainhead of the “Taulas” of Menorca? (Monuments of the Talayotic culture dating from V—IV B.C. )
Dr. Vicente Ibañez Orts, Spain
The railroad industry and its heritage in the cultural landscape of Uruguay
Professor Carola Romay, Uruguay
Researcher Daniel Primucci, Uruguay
Researcher Virginia Etchevarren, Uruguay

From camera obscura to drawing machines and animated cartoons (In Spanish)

Panel 1
Light and science. Proposal for the reading of two engravings of Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae of Athanasius Kircher
Dr. Ana Paula Sanchez

Drawing machines and drawing reconstruction
Professor Fernando Fadón Salazar
Ph.D. candidate Francisco Jose Saiz
Ph.D. candidate Jose Enrique Cerón Hoyos
The choreographies of household technologies in the first animated cartoons
Researcher Hugo Palmarola

Cultural characters, architectural language and art of the war (in French)

Panel 1
Examination of Cultural Characters of Korean Train Interiors : with Emphasis on Leading Design Guidelines based on Cultural Theory
Graduate student Sora Lee-Remond, France
Abolition of Architectural Language or Release of a New One
Dr. Souad Sassi Boudemagh, Algeria
The art of the war: tradition and innovation in the iconographic representation of Alentejo fortresses (XVII-XVIII centuries)
Professor Antónia Fialho Conde, Portugal

Transport: Steamships, Railroad Technology and cars

Panel 1
The Sublime and Technology: steamship travelling across the Atlantic
Ph.D. candidate Dagmar Bellmann, Germany
 “Her Model is Beautiful”: Addressing Fears by Design for the First “Steamship” in History.
Mr. John Laurence Busch, United States
On the rails from ancient times - Busteni Paper Factory's Narrow Gauge Electric Railway
Mr. Andrei Berinde, Romania
Strategic monitoring as an opportunity to preserve cultural heritage exemplified by the track harp and historically significant technical monuments in front of Leipzig Main Station, Germany
Professor Burkhard Pahl, Germany

Panel 2
Engineer’s schemes are also design : the shape of the Paris’ Métro from the 1860’s
Lecturer Pascal Desabres, France
Technology users as amateur mechanics: The case of the construction and decoration of extemporaneous automobiles in WWII and postwar Greece
Ph.D. candidate Sofia Alexia Papazafeiropoulou, Greece
Human evolution and the car - Too much power for the legs and not enough for the brain?
Professor Hermann Knoflacher, Austria
Dr. Harald Frey, Austria

Robot-humans and humanlike robots

Panel 1
From resuscitation dummies to patient simulators: When technology tries to look human
Professor Constantin Canavas, Germany
The Art of the Robot
Dr. Julie Wosk, United States
Human‐robot / Robot‐human. Processes of cultural change brought about by digital revolution. A new era in the history of mankind.
Professor Anna Pujadas Matarín, Spain

Materials I: Iron & sheet metal

Panel 1
Made of pieces. Sheet metal processing in Russia at the end of the 19th Century.
Ph.D. candidate Ekaterina Nozhova, Switzerland
Exported Styles – The Early Production and Distribution of Cast Iron Building Components
Professor Axe Sowa, Germany
Informal Networks of Empire: the Case of Scottish Architectural Ironwork in Argentina
Ph.D. candidate Lucia Jurarez, Spain
Progressive dies. History and evolution
Lecturer Enrique Ceron, Spain
Dr. Fernando Fadon, Spain
Materials II: Plastics

Panel 1
The definition of the plastic arts: Technique versus Habitus
Dr. Adi Efal, Germany
Imitation and Originality in Synthetic Plastics
Professor Robert Friedel, United States
Electrical and Chemical engineering in Portugal from 1855 onwards
Professor Maria Elvira Callapez, Portugal
Professor Ana Paula Silva, Portugal
A future made of plastics? – exploration of a Sixties Design discourse
Graduate student Tina Thiel, Austria

(Reuse of) Industrial Heritage

Panel 1
Regional approaches to the industrial heritage: the Ural's case.
Researcher Anatoly Kurlaev, Russia
Hydroelectric heritage in Valtellina. Understanding the local historical interaction between technical development, architecture and landscape.
Ph.D. candidate Francesco Carlo Toso, Italy
Between Memory and Goodbye. How theater works with the remains of coal industry in the former GDR and its impact on local society
Ph.D. candidate Torben Ibs, Germany
From company museums to the Roman gods: new perspectives in the protection of industrial heritage in Italy.
Researcher Astrid D'Eredità, Italy

Panel 2
Industrial heritage reuse - authenticity versus commodification
Ph.D. candidate Anica Tufegdzic, Serbia and Montenegro
Industrial Heritage Sites as Neoliberal Spaces of Ordering
Dr. Duygun Erim, Turkey
Ph.D. candidate Gökce Öcal, Turkey
Presentation of Industrial Heritage in the Ural Region
Graduate student Nadezda Solonina, Russia

Exemplary Artefact Studies

Panel 1
Power and Glory: A report on the rise and fall of the Australian made portable electric drill.
Ph.D. candidate Berto Pandolfo, Australia
You have to know your blood pressure value! Medical Technical Innovations between Research and the Market.
Dr. Michael Martin, Germany
Professor Heiner Fangerau, Germany
Podbielniak – a centrifuge, that made the world head-spin
Dr. Slawomir Lotysz, Poland

Panel 2
First instruments for the Helsinki School of technology 1850
Dr. Panu Nykänen, Finland
Pocket and field instruments in the past. Some examples of the collection of scientific instruments of the Physics Faculty of the University of Barcelona
Professor Santiago Vallmitjana, Spain
Spinning Gyroscopes - the 'go' of operative understanding
Ph.D. candidate Lina Hakim, United Kingdom

Sound, Music & Silence

Panel 1
Experiencing Silence – Are there room for technological sounds?
Dr. Outi Ampuja, Finland
Shaping Music in Space: The role of technology in space related music and sound art
Dr. Martha Brech, Germany
Technology of iconography in Buddhists caves of Eastern Turkestan. On example of musical instruments.
Dr. Sanat Kibirova, Russia
Building Boom: Technology, Luxury, and the Sound Explosion of the 1970s
Professor Susan Schmidt, United States

Images of Technology and Science

Panel 1
Maximilien Luce’s Neo-Impressionist Paintings of Charleroi Blast Furnaces: Aestheticizing Technology in Anarchist Thought
Ph.D. candidate Corina Weidinger, United States
Dalí, Le Corbusier and the Presence of Technology
Dr. Simon Weir, Australia
Production Lines: the fetishisation of industry in the architectures of Max Ernst
Dr. Michael Chapman, Australia

Panel 2
Science Towns in Russia: A Dichotomy of Technological Drive and Societal Constrains. The Case of Novosibirsk Akademgorodok
Professor Evgeny Vodichev, Russia
Lecturer Ekaterina Zhimuleva, Russia
The Social Function of the Technological Aesthetic in Luxembourg's Illustrated Press, 1933-1940
Dr. Anne-Marie Millim, Luxembourg
The printing Technology and the Cultural Role of Prints. Case Study: Historical Images of nowadays Romanian Cities
Dr. Anda-Lucia Spânu, Romania

Panel 3
Watermill Technologies in Paintings of Ancient China and Ancient Europe
Lecturer Xiaolei Shi, China
Drawing Machines: Illustrations of Steam Engines and the Construction of Industrial Culture in Britain, 1820-1840
Ph.D. candidate Courtney Salvey, United Kingdom
Science and technology representations in paintings of Prado's Museum in Madrid
Mr. Joan Munt, Spain

Panel 4
The demise of the Darwinian struggle in popular zoological illustration around 1900 and the peaceful power of photography
Dr. Alexander Gall, Germany
New Vistas, New Visions: The Technological Sublime and the Problem of Landscape in Contemporary Art Photography
Lecturer Kara Hammond Larrabee, United States
Lost Technology
Dr. Marta Jecu, Portugal
Dr. Jose Manuel Gomes Pinto

Computer graphics & design

Panel 1
The Roots of Computer Graphics: A patent Literature Analysis
Mr. Eduardo Perez Molina, Netherlands
The emergence of computer graphics in 3D in France, between creation and industry.
Ph.D. candidate Cécile Welker, France
Desktop kitch or mirrors of Self? Background images in visual cultural studies
Professor Maunu Häyrynen, Finland
Artworks‘ and the point of no return in the history of electronics. The emergence of computer aided computer design.
Ph.D. candidate Peter Koval, Germany

Built Environment and Technological Modernization

Panel 1
American Grain Elevators, Factories and Modern Mass-Production or: European Architectural Techno-Determinism towards planning the Fordist City
Ph.D. candidate Sophie Hochhaeusl, United States
Old Technologies, Agrarian Reform, and Social Efficiency: Spain 1900-1950
Dr. Santiago M. Lopez, Spain
Professor Ricardo Robledo, Spain
"An Idyllic Workers’ Community" – Alvar Aalto, Finnish Industry, and the Emerging Town Centre Concept in Regional Planning of the 1940s
Dr. Markku Norvasuo, Finland

Panel 2
Road design and urban planning in Athens at the turn of the 20th century: in search of a shortcut to modernization.
Ph.D. candidate Evangelia Chatzikonstantinou, Greece
Architecture Between Ideology and Technology – Building Socialist Modernism in Former Yugoslavia
Ms. Dragana Konstantinovic, Serbia and Montenegro

Films as historical sources

Panel 1
History of Technology and the Cinema: an experience of reproduction of scientists images by means of the screen
Professor Vasily Borisov, Russia
Roman Hydraulic Technology in the Cinema
Lecturer Francisco Javier Pérez de la Cruz, Spain
A Short Documentary Film ‘ZAGREB U SVJETLU VELEGRADA’ (‘Zagreb in a Metropolitan Light’): an Urban Satire of the 1930’s as a Historical Source
Mr. Goran Arcabic, Croatia

Education and Teaching

Panel 1
A Medieval Industrial Revolution in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of the City of Riga in the Russian Empire
Professor Janis Langins, Canada

The Polytechnic Education of Architects and Civil Engineers in the 19th Century – The Role of Arts, Humanities and Science at the Zurich Polytechnic School
Dr. Torsten Meyer, Switzerland
Ph.D. candidate Christoph Rauhut, Switzerland
Dr. Knut Stegmann, Switzerland
How technology is made visible. Technology standards promoted by the Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios: their influence on the teaching curricula
Ph.D. candidate Leonor Gonzalez, Spain
Dr. Victor Guijarro, Spain

The teaching of arts applied Industry in Portugal. From Industrial Aesthetics to Design
Professor Ana Cardoso de Matos, Portugal
Professor Helena  Souto, Portugal

Panel 2
SPIRU HARET (1851-1912) – From a Masterly Doctoral Thesis to the Reform of Romanian Education
Mrs. Eufrosina Otlacan, Romania
The origins of the technical chemistry studies in Spain.
Graduate student Ignacio Suay Matallana, Spain
The Role of Leisure Education in Adapting Traditional Society with Scientific and Technological Development
Professor Abbas Ardekanian, Iran
Mr. Abbas Hassani, Iran
Technologies of Buildings

Panel 1
The Art of Ventilation in Barcelona in the Second Half of the XIX Century
Dr. Francesc X. Barca-Salom, Spain
Development of timber and steel-timber trusses in Italy (1800-1950)
Ph.D. candidate Emanuele Zamperini, Italy
The Beauty of a Beam. The Continuity of Joan Torras’s Beam of Equal Strength in the Work of his Disciples: Guastavino, Gaudí and Jujol
Lecturer Ramon Graus, Spain
Lecturer Helena Martín Nieva, Spain

Panel 2
The Architecture and Decoration of Ottoman Mosques: Religious Devotion, Art, or Technology?
Dr. Ahmed Wahby, Egypt
Balloon Frame in Chile, a foreign integrated expression in our landscape
Professor Marcela Pizzi, Chile
Renewing traditional technology
Researcher David López López, Spain
Ph.D. candidate Marta Domènech Rodríguez, Spain

Artistic Interpretations of Technology

Panel 1
“Art into Design, or how the Technicity of Design complements and incites the Thingliness of Art”
Dr. Mark Titmarsh, Australia
AGUSTÍN FERNÁNDEZ MALLO and GERMÁN SIERRA: Two Points of View of Postindustrial Society
Ph.D. candidate Carlos Gámez, Spain
Views of early 20th century visionary cities through the lens of auto-mobility.
Ph.D. candidate Areti Sakellaridou, Greece

Panel 2
Embodiment/Temporalization: Rethinking the Architectural Image
Dr. Lutz Robbers, Germany
Rethinking urban space through art and technology: the case of Davide Boriani
Ph.D. candidate Alessandra Acocella, Italy         
Rethinking urban space through art and technology: the case of François Morellet
Graduate student Alessandro Gallicchio, Italy

Aesthetic Reception of Technology

Panel 1
The complex relations between Homo Technicus Technologicus and Homo Aestaticus in Romania in the historical period 1945-1989/1990. Some maximal / limit case studies
Professor Elena Helerea, Romania
Professor Liviu Alexandru Sofonea, Romania
Cultural buildings between technology and art: Casa da Música at the frontier of iconicity
Ph.D. candidate Joana Ramalho, Portugal
Dr. José Luís Garcia, Portugal
Aesthetics and construction in industrial production:architecture as a tool for business communication
Researcher Antonio Monte, Italy
Professor Raffaella Maddaluno, Italy

Panel 2
The demonisation of the Eiffel Tower. The difficulty of introducing an industrial culture, in which the worlds of technology and the arts come together, in 19th-century Paris.
Professor Robert BELOT, France
Representation Transformed: Reading The Change from Architectural Periodicals
Researcher Özlem Altun, Turkey
Researcher Betül Orbey, Turkey
Researcher Nihan Gürel, Turkey
Modernist architecture and the rise of the aesthetic identity of technology
Dr. Riccardo Dirindin, Italy

Climate change and renewable energy

Panel 1
The Keeling Curve: Causes and Consequences of Global Warming
Dr. Anthony N. Stranges, United States
Exploration of the industrial use of solar energy in the nineteenth century.
Ph.D. candidate Nelson Arellano, Chile
The Contested Origins of the Biodigester: “Natural” Histories of Energy Technology, Colonial Histories of Waste
Graduate student Nicole Labruto, United States

Design, Architecture and Technology
Session chair: Dr. Markku Norvasuo, Finland

Panel 1
Invisible Mechanisms of the Modern Interior: Electric Lighting and the Expression of the American "Machine Age" Aesthetic
Lecturer Margaret Maile Petty, New Zealand
Merging Design and Culture in New York City's Chrysler Building
Dr. John Stranges, United States
Intersections: Office Furniture Design - Technologies - Aesthetics
Dr. Uber Terrence, United States

Panel 2
To buy or not to buy
Ph.D. candidate Doreen Donovan, Australia
Consumer society: the role of design
Ph.D. candidate Ingrid Moura Wanderely, Brazil
Professor Maria Cecília Loschiavo Dos Santos, Brazil
Zen and Industrial Design? Visions of Japanese Technology during World War II and Beyond
Dr. Daqing Yang, Japan

Planning, building and restoring infrastructure

Panel 1
T113 History of public works conservation and restoration in Spain
Dr. Daniel Crespo Delgado, Spain
T131 Building A Multi-Level Prussian Ruhr, 1898-1928
Dr. Edmund N Todd, United States
T237 Public Spaces of Land Road Infrastructure in Imperial Russia: Planning, Building, and Use. 1820-50s
Dr. Aleksandra Bekasova, Russia
T274 From the Telegraph to Automated Messages – A History on the Convergence and Integration of Communication and Service Infrastructures
Ph.D. candidate Carina Lopes, Portugal

Technology - Autonomous, communcating or integrated power in history

Panel 1
Gilbert Simondon and the evolution of technical objects
Ph.D. candidate Bogdan Dragos, United Kingdom
Global trade networks, competition, and the development of a European system of invention privileges.
Graduate student Marius Buning, Netherlands
Teams, Tools and Expertise: Technological Innovation in the Italian Packaging Industry, 1960-1998
Dr. Matteo Serafini, Italy

Panel 2
Technologies of thermal comfort to transform spatial patterns of a nation, 1955-1980: Turkish Iron Casting Co. and Aygaz gas delivery network
Ph.D. candidate Gokhan Ersan, United States

Technological momentum reconsidered. A Nobel Prize in chemistry and its background.
Professor Bo Sundin, Sweden

Design, Education and Technology

Panel 1
"The Goal is the Invention." - Technical Innovations from Bauhaus Students
Ph.D. candidate Yvonne Blumenthal, Germany
The parallel worlds of technology and architecture
Dr. Ted Cavanagh, Canada
Pioneer institutions of industrial design in Portugal (1960-74): the Industrial Design Nucleus of the National Institute of Industrial Research
Professor Maria Helena Souto, Portugal

Reproducibility and standardisation

Panel 1
The factory object to the test of reproducibility (1750-1880): rupture industrial, economic and cultural
Ph.D. candidate Millet Audrey Patrizia, France
The Master at the Royal Mint: How much money did Newton save Britain?
Dr. Ari Belenkiy, Canada
"Notes on research into standardisation in Japan at the beginning of the industrial age, 1880s∼1950s"
Dr. Anne Gossot, France
The machines in the production processes of the agro-food industry From the models of the proto industry to the early patents
Researcher Antonio Monte, Italy


Technological Literacy and Concepts

Panel 1
Joint Conditions: Theoretical Resources in the Humanities to Interpret the Visual Turn in the Techno Sciences
Dr. Victoria Höög

How to draw out attitudes towards technological literacy and class in modern Japan              
Dr. Sarah Teasley

Producing 'Technology' in the social sciences: the history of a concept, c.1900
Dr. Daniel C.S. Wilson


Poster session

Estonian Technical Schools in Germany after the Second World War
Dr. Vahur Mägi, Estonia

Listening and Creating: The significance of the radio and the sewing machine in the Greek household culture (1955-1965).
Dr. Johannis Tsoumas, Greece

Cultural impacts of mining industry in Atacama desert, Chile and Lausitz region, Germany. Proposal for a documentary
Ph.D. candidate Torben Ibs, Germany

The Effect of Using Industrial Equipment on Handicraft Workshops (Special Case: Woodcarving)
Ms. Nazanin Akbarian Dehaghani, Iran
Ms. Helianeh Malekipour, Iran
Ms. Fatemeh Safikhani, Iran
Ms. Zahra Alikhani, Iran
Assistant Prof.Hassan Sadeghi Naeini (PhD), Iran

Toledo´s Water Supply: Roman Approach as the Origin of the Final Solution
Lecturer Francisco Javier Pérez de la Cruz, Spain

The role of workshop equipment of universities in theses of industrial design students (a case study among some universities of Iran, Tehran)
Ms. Nasim Haghighi, Iran
Ms. Sara Rezaei, Iran
Ph.D. candidate Hasan Sadeghi naeini, Iran

Ecological Responsi(ve)bility
Professor Bradley Cantrell, United States
Professor Frank Melendez, United States

Technology and Design in the evolution of Industrial Bent Wood Procedures.
Researcher Julio Vives Chillida, Spain

New materials in jewellery: an approach to consumers through new technological and symbolic resources.
Ph.D. candidate Andrea Medina Gómez, Colombia
Dr. Bernabé Hernandis Ortuño, Spain
Ph.D. candidate José Rafael González Díaz, Venezuela




Page updated: April 4, 2012