Solidarity with Inhabitants of the Middle East

We are shocked about the brutal attacks on Israel and the war in Gaza which was triggered by this aggression. Although there have been armed conflicts concerning the rights of living in the region of Palestine and Israel for decades, these attacks are on a new level of barbarism and inhumanity; they completely ignore the Hague Warfare Convention and the Geneva Convention.

The Hague Convention was developed when it became clear at about 1900 that technology is not only a tool for prosperity, but also to increase capacity of destruction: technology enables combatants to kill more persons than before. And technology is the key to let civilians suffer much more from armed conflicts than in the past. Due to the horrible experiences of World War II, especially the Geneva Convention aims protecting life and property of civilians: if wars take place, they only should affect governmental infrastructures and the military. War time prisoners are under protection of the convention as well as wounded and sick persons.

In general, we condemn war and violence against people as expressed already in our announcement concerning the war against Ukraine. Especially we condemn the tactics to use civilians as human shields for the protection of warriors. Thus, we denounce the Hamas atrocities and call all sides to prevent further human losses.

All involved parties need to respect each other and accept living together peacefully.

The Executive Board of ICOHTEC